How To Shorten Blinds
Instructions for removing the bottom slat(s) to shorten the length of horizontal window blinds. Please note that this guide is for corded blinds only, and does not apply to any cordless blind:
Remove the plugs located on the bottom side of the bottom rail to release the string ladders and the knotted lift cord.
- Undo the knot in the lift cord and pull up the lift cord enough to release the slats you need to remove.
- Remove the bottom rail and the slat(s) necessary to shorten the blind to the desired length.
- Insert the bottom rail back into the ladder rung where you removed the top slat.
Cut the string ladder above the rung that hangs below the bottom rail. Be sure that you have enough ladder hanging below the bottom rail to insert these strings into the holes on the bottom of the bottom rail.
- Insert each of the lift cords through the bottom rail hole and tie a knot. Make sure that the lift cords are even and that the bottom rail hangs straight. You may have to adjust the position of the knot to achieve the desired length to your blinds. Do not try to adjust the length by pulling on the lift cord.
- Replace the bottom rail plugs back into the holes on the bottom of the bottom rail. Use a rubber mallet or hammer to keep from marking the plugs.
If the instructions mentioned above don't help, then maybe it's time to buy some new window blinds.