How They'll Help You The 5% Exterior Solar Shades provide shade and block up to 95% of harmful UV rays, perfect for entertaining or relaxing outdoors. Choose from various colors to match your style. Keep your family, outdoor space, and furniture protected from the sun's harsh rays. No more scalding patio chairs! Customize with different headrail and bottom rail options. These solar shades come with a cordless lift system, blending well with various decor. Enjoy our customer service and easy installation. We're excited for you to experience these blinds. Don't miss out on this amazing deal for your patio! Sample First Concerned about getting the correct color, pattern or material? Don't be. We'll send you up to 15 free samples of any product so you can order with confidence and know exactly what your custom color will look and feel like. And we'll ship them to you for free! Pick Your Color / Get FREE Samples
Recommendations Deductions may vary +/- 1/8". Do not account for factory deductions when measuring for your shade. Deduction information detailed in the table below. Products come with 6 - 10 inches of extra fabric to conceal the roller. These fabrics are not privacy shades and may allow visibility through them depending on the lighting. Hold Down Brackets available only if the Exposed Hembar or the Fabric Wrapped Exposed hembar is ordered. Cassette options: Min 15 1/2", Max 115" wide. Min 24", Max 96" height. Shades over 96" wide will have a maximum height of 84". The safety device is required by law and must be applied on chain loops and prevents free-hanging loops in operating chains. Install the safety device at the maximum distance possible from the control mechanism to prevent slack in the loop. Dimensions Depth Height Width Height Width WidthHeightHeadrail DeductionsFabric DeductionsRequired Mounting SpaceCassette Dimensions 24" - 84" Cordless Lift 15" - 115" Continuous Cord Loop 24" - 84" Cordless Lift 25" - 108" Continuous Cord Loop Inside Mount: All Lift Styles: 1/4" Outside Mount: All Lift Styles: No Deductions Cordless Lift (Can vary up to +1/4"): Exposed Roll or Cassette: 1 1/8" Continuous Cord Loop: Exposed Roll or Cassette: 1 1/8" Inside Mount Minimum Depth: 2 1/4" Exposed Roll 3 1/4" Cassette Inside Mount Flush Depth: 3" Exposed Roll 3 1/4" Cassette Outside Mount Minimum Space: 1 3/8" All Lift Styles Shades up to 96" wide: Depth: 3 1/4" Height: 3" Shades over 96" wide (Large Cassette): Depth 3 3/4" Height: 3 5/8"