How to Measure Windows Correctly for Blinds and Shades Menu


We make measuring easy! To measure your windows for all of the different types of shades and blinds we offer, click here. 

Inside Mount


How to measure the width of a window for an inside mount blind.
  • Measure the exact width (left to right) of the inside edge of the window frame in 3 places (top, middle, and bottom).
  • Make all measurements to the nearest 1/8th inch, rounding DOWN for width if necessary (For example, if the smallest measurement is 24 9/16", round down to 24 1/2". If it's 24 3/8", no need to round down).
  • Take the SMALLEST of the 3 measurements, this is the width that you will order.
  • Production department will make the necessary deductions to ensure the blind/shade fits inside your window.
Enter the width of your window here!


How to measure the height of a window for an inside mount blind.
  • Measure the exact height (top to bottom) from the top inside edge down to the window sill in 3 places.
  • Make all measurements to the nearest 1/8th inch, rounding UP for height if necessary (For Example, If the largest measurement is 24 9/16", round up to 24 5/8". If it's 24 1/2", no need to round up).
  • Take the LARGEST of the 3 measurements, this is the height that you will order.
Enter the height of your window here!

Outside Mount


How to measure the height of a window for an outside mount blind.
  • Measure the exact width (left to right) of the window frame or how wide you would like the blind to be.
  • Be sure to measure wide enough to cover the entire window and provide maximum light coverage.
  • Example: If the window opening is 36” wide, it might be helpful to order 40” if the space allows. This will provide 2” coverage on each side of the window.
  • No deductions/additions will be made to the width ordered.
Enter the width of your window here!


How to measure the height of a window for an outside mount blind.
  • Measure the height you would like the blind to be by measuring top to bottom.
  • Be sure to measure high enough to cover the entire window and provide maximum light coverage.
  • Example: If the window opening is 60” high, it might be helpful to order 64” if the space allows. This will provide 2” coverage on top and bottom of the window.
  • No deductions/additions will be made to the height ordered.
Enter the height of your window here!