Kid Friendly Cordless Buying Guide
Are Your Window Coverings Safe?
Did you know that window cords can pose a potential strangulation hazard to infants and young children? According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), corded window coverings are among the top five hidden hazards in American homes that can lead to serious injuries and even death. That’s why safety experts recommend using only cordless window coverings in homes and facilities where young children are present.
Kids and cords don’t mix. That’s why SelectBlinds is committed to kids safety. We offer cordless options on all of our window shades and blinds, many where cordless comes standard at no additional cost. Cordless is the safest kind of lift system for environments with young children (and fur babies, too). That’s why we’re proud that so many of our cordless lift systems meet all current child-safety standards set by the Window Covering Manufacturers Association (WCMA).
The WCMA is at the forefront of raising awareness and educating consumers, manufacturers, retailers and legislators about window covering safety standards. In January 2018, it announced the approval of a new window covering safety standard by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) that requires the vast majority of window covering products sold in the United States and Canada to be cordless or have inaccessible or short cords. The new safety standard, ANSI/WCMA A100.1-2018, strengthens window-covering safety by requiring that all stock products sold in stores and online—which account for more than 80 percent of all window covering products sold in the U.S. and Canada—to be cordless or have inaccessible cords.
To do our part in educating our customers on window covering safety, we encourage you to open a window to saving lives by joining the #GoCordless Movement. Also, as you shop on, if you select a corded or non-compliant product, you’ll be prompted with the following message:
Corded lifts with accessible cords pose a strangulation hazard to young children and pets. Cordless products are the safest choice and recommended for homes where kids and pets are present.
We hope you take this advice to heart. Here’s something else you can do. Check your window coverings now for exposed or dangling cords, and retrofit or replace them with safer, cordless products. If you do have corded window coverings you want to keep, be sure to check these child safety updates and download our top five safety tips for protecting little ones.
Get peace of mind knowing you’re doing everything you can to protect and safeguard the children in your life without compromising style for safety. Here are just a few of the product categories you’ll find when browsing our site for kid-friendly cordless products.

Honeycomb/Cellular Shades
Cordless honeycomb shades don’t have any external cords. Because these shades are made from multiple layers of fabric, the internal cords are inaccessible, making them safe for children of all ages. And if you like natural light but you still want your privacy, cordless top down/bottom up cellular shades are perfect. You can open the top while keeping the bottom lowered, making them perfect for every room in your home, including your child’s room.

Roman Shades
Cordless roman shades don’t have visible cords on the front side of the shade. However, there are cords on the back of the shades. These cords allow the shade to be raised and lowered. Because the cords are secured tightly to the fabric, though, no loops can be created, which makes them safe for children.

Roller Shades
Because of the roll mechanism at the top of these shades, you don’t need a cord to raise and lower them. You can even choose a standard roll headrail or a reverse roll headrail, depending on your preference. With roller shades, you never have to worry about your children getting tangled in cords.