At SelectBlinds, we are committed to offering you the best value on your purchases. Our “Price Match Guarantee” is designed to ensure that you always receive unbeatable deals.
If you find a lower advertised price for an identical product on a competitor's website or in a printed advertisement, we will not only match that price but also provide an additional 5% discount (referred to as the “Price Match”).
The following are excluded from our Price Match Guarantee:
By taking advantage of our Price Match Guarantee, you agree to adhere to these policies. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring you receive the best deals on our range of custom window coverings.
Note: Price Match requests remain subject to our review and are entirely within our discretion at all times. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue this policy without prior notice.
To request a Price Match, please fill out the following form. If you do not have an order number, please make sure to provide as much detail regarding the product as possible. You must provide a link to the competitor's webpage displaying the lower price and detailed product information. If the lower price is advertised in a printed ad, you must share a photo or scan of the advertisement.